Local Home Inspectors - Palm Springs, CA

It is highly recommended that buyers have their home inspected that they are purchasing. Although some of our clients may have used these services listed successfully, we can not recommend, guarantee or warranty their services and/or the quality of their work.


The following are a list of some of the local home inspectors in the Palm Springs area.

Livingston Home Inspections

Mike Livingston
Phone: (760) 507-5889 | [email protected]


Key Real Estate Inspections

David Darling - Certified CREIA Inspector
Phone: (760) 409-5368

Home Inspections Plus LLC

Walker Novak - Certified CREIA Inspector
Phone: (760) 880-1393 | novakhomeinspections.com

Integrity Inspections

Kevin Moran
Phone: (760) 578-1135


Home Sweet Home

Phone: (760) 834-9341

Advantage Inspection Professionals

Bruce Carmichael
Phone: (760) 835-8772 | [email protected] | aip-inspect.com

Real Estate Reports

Michael O'Donnel
Phone: (760) 200-9600
Toll Free: (866) 820-8100
Fax: (760) 772-5892
[email protected] | realestatereports.biz




The Paul Kaplan Group does not guarantee the performance of any vendors, service or product providers, whether listed on this website, referred by the Broker, Agent or selected by a buyer, seller or other people. Buyers and Sellers may select ANY providers of their own choosing.